Monday, March 30, 2009

7 Deadly Sins

All of the 7 sins are inordinate and insatiable. When one partakes in the act of them it can be excessive and obsessive behavior. The yearning of each sin can not be satisfied and one always has to have more and the acts are very selfish.
To overcome these things one must learn to be content, satisfied and be unselfish.
One must be reasonable and know one’s limits. One must strive to be better.

Meaning: The desire for the pleasures of the body. It is obsessive and excessive thoughts or cravings that are compulsions or transgressions of the sexual nature. Usually one who falls under the “love at first sight” mistakes lust as love.
Color: Magenta
Animal: Cat
Related Words: Pleasure, Craving, Eagerness, Delight, Passion
Symbols: Waterfall (something rapid, unpredictable, uncontrollable)
Hell’s Punishment: For those that die by this sin will go to hell to be smothered in fire and brimstone.
Lesson: One who does not learn other satisfying things outside of the bedroom will never find true satisfaction. One who mistakes lust as love needs to learn what love truly is or one will be alone, because lust does fade and love is forever.

Meaning: The desire to consume more than that which one requires. It is to over-indulge by gulping down and swallowing when it comes to over-consumption of food.
Color: Pink
Animal: Pig
Related Words: Over Eating, Gorge
Symbols: Banquet, Feast
Hell’s Punishment: For those that die by this sin will be forced to eat rats, toads, and snakes in hell.
Lesson: Over-indulgence can get one into a lot of problems if one does not learn how to manage it and control it. One must find a balance. If one eats too much that one’s belly aches then one needs to work-out to work it off.

Meaning: The desire for material wealth or status. It is the one who wants excessive wealth for personal gain, usually stopping at nothing to get it.
Color: Gold
Animal: Frog
Related Words: Avarice, Covetousness, Possessiveness
Symbols: Trickery, Manipulation, Gambling
Hell’s Punishment: One who dies by this sin is sent to hell to be put in cauldrons of boiling oil.
Lesson: If one does not learn to be content with what one has the desire can leave one with nothing.

Meaning: The desire to avoid any form of work. One prefers to waste time and likes to be lazy. One can also be in despair and stuck in depression.
Color: Light Blue
Animal: Goat
Related Words: Idleness, Sadness, Apathy, Sleepy
Symbols: Feathers, Bubbles
Hell’s Punishment: One who dies by this sin gets thrown in the snake pits of hell.
Lesson: One who does not overcome this sin will never get anything done and waste one’s life. To overcome this one needs to be active and strive to be one’s best and live life to the fullest.

Meaning: The desire for punishment and vengeance. One tends to be very irritated and impatient. One that has uncontrolled hatred and displeasure towards others.
Color: Red
Animal: Bear
Related Words: Anger, Rage, Revenge, Retribution
Symbols: Fist, Weapons, Physical Violence
Hell’s Punishment: One who dies by this sin is dismembered alive in hell.
Lesson: One who does not learn to overcome this anger will regret one’s actions and get into more trouble. One needs to learn that violence is not the answer and the bad karma created will come back.

Meaning: The desire for others traits, status, abilities, or situation. One is often resentment towards others and wishing to deprive them of the object that one desires.
Color: Dark Green
Animal: Snake
Related Words: Jealousy, Covetousness, Invidiousness
Symbols: Theft, Robbery, Backstabbing, Poison
Hell’s Punishment: One who dies from this sin gets put in the freezing waters of hell.
Lesson: One who does not overcome this sin will never see one’s own talent and be thankful for what they have that the other one might not have.

Meaning: The desire for one’s own and the love for one’s self. One who believes in one’s own importance and abilities. One who thinks the only beauty they see in the world is of one’s self.
Color: Violet
Animal: Peacock
Related Words: Vanity, Narcissism, Hubris
Symbols: Mirror, Reflection
Hell’s Punishment: One who dies by this sin will go to hell to be broken on the wheel.
Lesson: One who does not overcome this sin will only be able to love one’s self and make more enemies than friends. One must over come this by seeing beauty and wonder in all things in life.

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